For me, summer has always meant books. Yes, it also meant bare feet and watermelon and sleeping in and wheat harvest and playing in the sprinkler. But the best part of summer was the chance to read and read and read. I no longer sleep in very long or often and I haven't played in a sprinkler for decades. Sadly, there is very little wheat harvest where I live. But the bare feet and watermelon still happen, and summer still means books upon books. Here are the last two middle-grade books I read and enjoyed:
If I could choose just five authors to read aloud for the rest of my teaching career, Sid Fleischmann would definitely make the cut. Fleischmann never disappoints. The characters are always fun, bigger than life, and a joy to read aloud. There's always a twist, plenty of humor, and a compelling Old West setting. His books are usually short reads, like Jim Ugly, leaving you hungry for more.
For some reason, I've never read much by Richard Peck. I've heard of him all my life, and back in the 80s I had a short love affair with Secrets of the Shopping Mall, but that was it. Until I discovered The Mouse with the Question Mark Tail and fell in love all over again. It is a delightful read, with loads of humor I'm not sure the kids got. Very British, quite random, and just a lot of fun. I'll check out more of Peck's work in the future. Happy Summer, whatever that might mean to you!
April 2021