Every Tuesday my class does creative writing, and I like to experiment with different forms of poetry. A few weeks ago we wrote color poems. Choose a color, any color. (We used the names on our crayons to help our selection.) Think about your five senses: how does this color look, smell, taste, sound? How does the color make you feel? Arrange your sense details into poem form. My students seemed to enjoy the assignment and their poems turned out wonderfully. I typed and printed them, everyone chose background paper to match their color, and we hung them on the lunchroom walls (otherwise knows as the Hall of Fame.) Here are a few of my student's poems: Here is a free, downloadable worksheet with a process similar to the way we created our poems. I gave the kids freedom to arrange lines as they pleased, and one student even chose to include a set of rhyming lines. Now, color away. The world could use some poetry and whimsy about now.
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April 2021